Eden Design's web development for Kapiti Chamber Commerce » Eden Design

Kapiti Chamber

Project Description

The Kapiti Coast Chamber of Commerce exists to advance the local economy and solve business issues - an opportunity for members to promote themselves, get advice, and grow their business.

The Objective:

Predominantly established by volunteers and funded by memberships, the Chamber have key objectives to achieve but are often time poor and budget conscious. The website needs to work intuitively for the Chamber, both in an administrative capacity and in membership retention/acquisition.

The Idea:

Automate non-intuitive tasks that take administrators away from building membership. Support and promote members online by giving their business greater awareness and accessibility to connect with other members and potential business customers.

The Solution:

The Chamber can now self manage their web content, membership database, and events. Members and non-members can rsvp and pay for an event, and businesses can now register and pay for a new membership online. Members can promote themselves and get greater exposure through profiles and home page featured testimonials with their photo. Members also have additional privileges when logged in, they can access additional contact detail of other members, and update their own details including web/social links and testimonial. The website is accessible and easily read on all desktop and modern mobile devices.

The Result:

The web development has seen an overall positive response with the following results:

  • Event and membership payment tasks have been put in the hands of the members, allowing administrators to focus on tasks that benefit members.
  • Members have greater exposure and member benefits through their featured testimonials and profiles.
  • Google Analytics shows website visits doubled since go live, and consistently since.
  • The website has opened up a new innovative approach for promoting the Chamber and engaging and connecting members on a regular basis.
  • Shifting the Chamber into a modern, forward thinking organisation - key for younger membership acquisition.


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Project Details
  • Client:
    Kapiti Coast Chamber of Commerce
  • Categories:
  • Services:
    Website design
    Website development
Through my contract with the Kapiti Coast Chamber of Commerce, Eden Design was the chosen provider to develop their new web site. I was the conduit between Hannah & Jeremy and the Chamber requirements of bringing more efficiency to backroom processes through their web site. Hannah developed a good structure with a project plan and regular communication. Silverstripe has provided the right web site platform for the Chamber and can be enhanced in the future as requirements change and as budget permits. The Content Management System is nice to operate and I have recommended it to others looking to build a web site with easy access and control over content. Hannah is always professional in her approach, listens carefully to what is needed and will work to time and budget. I look forward to the next project working with Eden Design.
Helene Judge, Project Manager Helene Judge, Project Manager
Eden Design, led by Hannah Faulke, were the successful tenderers for the new Kapiti Coast Chamber of Commerce website. They were chosen because they demonstrated that they were willing to listen to our requirements and to be flexible in their approach. We were impressed with the professional and thorough approach which resulted in a fantastic website that has been acclaimed by members. Success was achieved despite the complexity of the requirements and the need to integrate with back office systems. I would have no hesitation in recommending Hannah and Eden Design for website design and implementation.
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